gm case-4 roll no .25

July 21 2023
CASE scenario....

Hi, I am G.Harini 3rd BDS student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

                 CASE HISTORY

Patient details:
A 60 year old female known case of suffering from fever chills
Chief complaint:

Associated with Fever with chills  since 20 days
Productive cough since 10 days
Vomitings since 10 days
History of present illness*
*Patient was apparently asymptomatic since  1 month back then she is suffering with fever. With chills  since 20 days which is low grade; intermittent and rigors which is relived by medication 
* cough since 10 days which is whitish ; mucoid sputum
*Nausea and vomiting since 10 days ,2-3 times per day which is water,non-projectile,not blood; food particles content
*Constipation and apetite since 10 days  
And pain radiates from back while coughing  and decreased urine output while fever 
*She has bitter taste
Past history:
No hypertension,asthma ,tuberculosis
Patient is not a known case of thyroid 
Non diabetic
Joint pains since 2 months back relieved on Medication
Family history:
No family history
Personal history:
Patient is conscious and cooperative
Diet: mixed diet
Apetite: loss of appetite 
Micturition: burning micturition  nd decreased urine output 
Bowel: constipation 
Known allergies:no
Addictions : nill 
*General examination:
Lymphednopathy:yes which is on left side of neck
Edema of feet: no

Pulse rate -112/min
Respiratory rate-16/min
Respiratory system:
Systemic examination: 
1) inspection: 
Oral hygiene and caries on molars 
Chest shape is bilateraly symmetrical
Position of trachea is central
Scars are present on supraclavicular region
Dilated veins on fingers
2) palpation
Movement of chest is equally expanded in anterior and posterior and in apical
3) percussion
Right or left clavicular percussion sound normal
4) auscultation
Breath sounds are normal 
Wheeze :no
Breath sounds vesicular
Shape is schapoid
Umbilicus - central ,inherited
No tenderness
Liver and spleen not palpable
Free fluid -no
Bowel sounds- yes
Thrillss :no

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