gm case-3

Hi, I am g.harini, 3rd BDS student.
This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio
                       CASE HISTORY 
Patients details:
A 60  year old female resident of Narketpalli presented with

Chief complaints:
Fever , with chills since 1 week
Cough, i.e sputum since 1 week 
Breathless ness since 1 week 

History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then she developed cough which is productive i.e sputum which is white colour and mucoid since 1 week 
Fever associated with chills
She has body pains and weakness . 
Shortness of breath since 1 week 

History of past illness:
No sugar 
No hyper tension
Patient is not a known case of thyroid disorder,asthma,tb.

Family history: no family history 

Personal history:
Patient is conscious and cooperative.
Appetite: loss of appetite 
Sleep: normal
Micturition : burning micturition
Bowel: regular.

General examination:
Pallor : no
Icterus: no
Clubbing: no
Oedema of feet: no

How long does take it cute ?
What type of cough causes shortness of breath?
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