General medicine case-1

CASE scenario....

Hi, I am G.Harini 3rd BDS student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

                 CASE HISTORY

Patient Details
A 60 year old known case of suffering from fever chills
Chief complaint:

Associated with Cold Fever since 13days and head ache and pitting edema at knee
History of present illness
*Patient was suffering with fever since 13days and also pain in abdomen 
And she is associated with chills and rigors and relived on taking medication
*And she has pitting type edema in knees 
Past history:
*Known case of epilepsy since 4 years
*known case of hypertension, 
*And she has hypothyroidism since 4yrs
*History of similar complaints in the past,4yrs back, which was relieved by medication

Family history:
*No history of similar complaints in the family
Personal history 
Patient takes vegterain diet but has loss of  appetite
Sufficient sleep and headache 
Bowel and bladder -normal
Urine colour -normal
She has taken gutka in past 5yrs back
General examination:
Pallor present
Edema present
Icterus present
Cyanosis- no
Pulse Rate-96 bpm
Blood pressure -130/70 mm Hg
SPO2- 98%
*How does fever affect epilepsy?
*How long it's takes  to recover from fever chills?

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